Sustainable Jersey actions are designed with flexibility to meet the varying needs of all municipalities. Actions are organized within action categories. Each action description below outlines steps for completion, certification points, resources, and municipal spotlights. Review the requirements to earn Bronze or Silver certification here. Many actions have variable points, which means there are several ways to complete the action based on the work done. Access your municipality's application for certification through the Municipal Dashboard.
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Search Actions

Arts & Creative Culture
Establish a Creative Team
Creative Assets Inventory
Creative Placemaking Plan
Municipal Commitments to Support Arts and Creative Culture
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Utilizing Your Creative Assets
- This action has variable points: 10, 20, 30
No actions in this category match the search criteria.
Brownfields Inventory & Prioritization
- This action has variable points: 10, 15
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Brownfields Reuse Planning
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 15
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Brownfields Marketing
Brownfields Assessment & Investigation
- This action has variable points: 5 — 30
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
No actions in this category match the search criteria.
Community Partnership & Outreach
Green Team
- This action has variable points: 10, 15
- Competitive funding available
Community Education & Outreach
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 15, 20
- Competitive funding available
Green Challenges
Green Fair
- This action has variable points: 10, 15
No actions in this category match the search criteria.
Diversity & Equity
Community Equity & Diversity Profile
- This action has variable points: 10, 15
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Diversity on Boards & Commissions
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Environmental Justice in Planning & Zoning
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Lead Education & Outreach Programs
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 15
- Competitive funding available
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
No actions in this category match the search criteria.
Emergency Management
Extreme Temperature Event Plan
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Community Wildfire Protection Plans
Firewise Community
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 15
- Competitive funding available
Ready Set GO! Fire Company
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 15
Wildfire Safety Council
Emergency Communications Planning
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Vulnerable Populations Identification for Emergencies
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
No actions in this category match the search criteria.
Municipal Energy Initiatives -
Energy Efficiency for Municipal Facilities
- This action has variable points: 5 — 50
- Non-competitive funding available
Energy Tracking & Management
- This action has variable points: 10, 20
Buy Electricity From A Renewable Source
Municipal Onsite Solar System
- This action has variable points: 5 — 45
- Non-competitive funding available
Municipal Geothermal Energy System
- Non-competitive funding available
Municipal Wind Energy System
- Non-competitive funding available
Community Energy Initiatives -
Renewable Government Energy Aggregation
- This action has variable points: 5, 25, 35, 50
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Commercial Energy Efficiency Outreach
- This action has variable points: 10, 20
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Energy Assistance Outreach
- This action has variable points: 10, 20
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Residential Energy Efficiency Outreach
- This action has variable points: 10, 20
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Make Your Town Solar Friendly
- This action has variable points: 15, 30
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Municipally Supported Community Solar
- This action has variable points: 15, 25
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Solar Outreach
- This action has variable points: 10, 15
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Wind Ordinance
- Submissions for this action do not expire
- Non-competitive funding available
Transportation Initiatives -
Fleet Inventory
Electric Vehicle Community Outreach
- This action has variable points: 10, 15
Meet Target for Green Fleets
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Purchase Alternative Fuel Vehicles
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 15
Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Make Your Town Electric Vehicle Friendly
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
No actions in this category match the search criteria.
Farmland Preservation -
Farmland Preservation Plans
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Food Security -
Community Food Pantry/Bank & Soup Kitchen
- This action has variable points: 10, 15
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Community Gardens
- This action has variable points: 10, 15, 20
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Expanded Supplemental Food Programs
- This action has variable points: 10, 20
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Promoting Safe Food Donation for Food Security
- This action has variable points: 10, 15
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Support Local Food -
Buy Fresh Buy Local Programs
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Farmers Markets
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Making Farmers Markets Accessible
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
No actions in this category match the search criteria.
Green Design
Green Building Policy/Resolution
Green Building Training
Green Design Commercial and Residential Buildings -
Green Design Municipal Buildings
No actions in this category match the search criteria.
Health & Wellness
Anti-Idling Education & Enforcement Program
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Best Practices for Local Boards of Health
- This action has variable points: 5, 10
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Building Healthier Communities
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25
- Competitive funding available
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Integrating Health Into Municipal Decision Making
- This action has variable points: 10, 15, 20, 25
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Local Health Assessment & Action Plan
- This action has variable points: 25, 40
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Safe Routes to School
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Tobacco Free Community
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Town-Wide Gas Leaf Blower Restrictions *New 2024*
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 20, 25
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Lead & Healthy Homes -
Comprehensive Lead Strategy
- This action has variable points: 10, 15
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Healthy Homes Inspection & Training
- This action has variable points: 5 — 30
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Lead & Housing Hazard Data-Sharing
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Lead Blood Screening Campaign
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 15, 20
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Private Well Outreach & Testing
- This action has variable points: 10, 15, 20, 25
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Removing Lead in Drinking Water
- This action has variable points: 10, 20, 30, 40
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
No actions in this category match the search criteria.
Innovative Projects
Innovative Community Project 1
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Innovative Community Project 2
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Innovative Community Project 3
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
No actions in this category match the search criteria.
Land Use & Transportation
Comprehensive Climate Change-Related Hazard Vulnerability Assessment *NEW 2024*
Sustainable Land Use Pledge
Bicycle & Pedestrian Audits
- This action has variable points: 5, 10
Bicycle and/or Pedestrian Improvement Projects
- This action has variable points: 10 — 35
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Bicycle and/or Pedestrian Plan
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Community Design for All Ages
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Complete & Green Streets for All Policy
- This action has variable points: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Effective Parking Management
Enhanced Stormwater Management Control Ordinance
- This action has variable points: 5 — 35
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Green Infrastructure Planning
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 20
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Green Infrastructure Implementation
- This action has variable points: 10, 15, 20
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Heat Island Assessment & Mitigation Plan
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 15, 20
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Smart Workplaces
- This action has variable points: 5, 10
Transit-Oriented Development Supportive Zoning
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
No actions in this category match the search criteria.
Local Economies
Green Business Recognition Program
- This action has variable points: 10, 20
Green Jobs/Economic Development
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Buy Local Programs
No actions in this category match the search criteria.
Natural Resources
Municipal Water Story
- This action has variable points: 20, 25
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Natural Resource Inventory
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Water Conservation Ordinance
- Submissions for this action do not expire
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Environmental Commission
Environmental Commission Site Plan Review
Open Space Plans
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Water Conservation Education Program
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Wildlife Interaction Plan
Winter Best Practices to Reduce Road Salt Impacts *New 2023*
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 15
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Caring for Conservation Easements -
Natural Resource Protection Ordinances -
Clustering Ordinance
- Submissions for this action do not expire
Environmental Assessment Ordinance
- Submissions for this action do not expire
Habitat Conservation Ordinance
- Submissions for this action do not expire
Tree Protection Ordinance *Retires 12/31/25*
Tree Protection & Replacement Ordinance *NEW 2025*
- This action has variable points: 15, 20, 25
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Tree & Woodlands Management -
Community Forestry Management Plan & NJUCF Accreditation
- This action has variable points: 10, 20
- Competitive funding available
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Tree Hazard Inventory
- Competitive funding available
Tree Maintenance Programs
- Competitive funding available
Tree Planting Programs
- Competitive funding available
No actions in this category match the search criteria.
Operations & Maintenance
Green Purchasing Program -
Green Purchasing Policy
- This action has variable points: 5, 10
Green Cleaning Products & Motorized Cleaning Equipment
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 15
Green Maintenance Equipment & Materials
Recycled Copy Paper
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 15
Recycled Office & Restroom Paper Supplies *Coming Soon 2025*
Grounds & Maintenance
No actions in this category match the search criteria.
Public Information & Engagement
Communications -
Citizen Engagement -
Improve Public Engagement in Municipal Government
- This action has variable points: 10, 15
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Improve Public Engagement in Planning and Zoning
- This action has variable points: 10, 15
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Online Municipal Public Service Systems
- This action has variable points: 10, 15
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Access to Public Information -
Digitizing Public Information
Open Data Inventory & Management
- This action has variable points: 10, 15
No actions in this category match the search criteria.
Sustainability & Climate Planning
Municipal Carbon Footprint
Community Energy Plan or Climate Action Plan
- This action has variable points: 10, 15
- Competitive funding available
Community Asset Mapping
Community Sustainability Plan *NEW 2023*
- This action has variable points: 10, 15, 20, 25
No actions in this category match the search criteria.
Waste Management
Litter Prevention Education & Compliance *NEW 2025*
- This action has variable points: 15, 20
Prescription Drug Safety & Disposal
Recycling & Waste Reduction Education & Compliance
- This action has variable points: 15, 20
Recycling -
Commercial & Institutional Recycling
Community Paper Shredding Day
- Non-competitive funding available
Construction & Demolition Waste Recycling
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 15
- Non-competitive funding available
Food Waste
- Non-competitive funding available
Household Hazardous Waste
- This action has variable points: 5, 10, 15
- This action counts towards a Gold Star
Non-Mandated Materials Recycling
- This action has variable points: 5 — 60
Recycling Depot
- Non-competitive funding available
Waste Reduction -
Backyard Composting Program
- Non-competitive funding available
Grass - Cut It and Leave It Program
- Non-competitive funding available
Materials Reuse Program
- Non-competitive funding available
Pay-As-You-Throw Program
- Non-competitive funding available
Reusable Bag Education Program
Waste Audit of Municipal Buildings or Schools
- Non-competitive funding available
No actions in this category match the search criteria.